Tattoo Time

The day is finally here! It is hard to tell who is more excited–you or the tattoo artist. Let’s just call it a tie! Your tattoo artist is beyond honored to have their work permanently displayed on your body. Whether it is your first ever tattoo or your 50th, every tattoo artist and shop is different. In order to give you a glimpse of what to expect, take a look below!

Drawing and Stencil

Prior to your session, you and your tattoo artist have discussed the details of your desired tattoo. If the design was drawn prior to the appointment, you and your tattoo artist will review the design and will request any changes. If the design will be drawn during the appointment, give your tattoo artist some time to come up with the perfect design! Once you are ecstatic about the design, the tattoo artist will create the stencil.

Body Prep and Placement

Your tattoo artist will clean the area with rubbing alcohol. If hair is present, your tattoo artist will shave the area with a disposable razor. The stencil will be placed and you can check out how it looks in the mirror. Your tattoo artist is a professional and knows the best placement for certain designs and sizes of tattoos, so be sure to listen to their advice. Take your time and make sure you absolutely love the placement since it will live on you forever!

Station Setup and Tattoo Time

The chair will be adjusted for your comfort based on where you are getting your tattoo. While you are getting comfortable, your tattoo artist will set up their station with the proper inks, tools, and needles to accomplish your dream tattoo! Once complete, the ink application will begin. Stay calm and still, and keep an open line of communication with your tattoo artist. Most of all, enjoy the process!