Tattoo Preparation

Before you even arrive for your tattoo session, it is important to be aware of some helpful preparations in order to make your time in the chair most comfortable. Below is a list of tips and reminders to keep in mind in the days leading up to your session!

Hydration is Key

Water should be your best friend throughout the entire tattoo process. When skin is hydrated, ink tends to take better since dehydration leads to thinner skin. Water is important to the human body in general, so it is safe to say that when getting a tattoo, water can help ease the process. Increase your water intake in order to be the best possible canvas for your dream tattoo!

Stay Rested

You might be excited for your session, but get some quality sleep leading up to your tattoo appointment. Sleep will keep your body and mind alert during your session. Sleep is vital, so be sure to get your full 8 hours.

Shower and Shave

Keep your skin fresh and clean by showering before your tattoo. Refrain from using moisturizer the day before your session. Aside from being a perfect canvas for a tattoo, clean skin will aid in proper healing. Additionally, you may shave the area that will be tattooed, though not necessary. Your tattoo artist will gladly shave the area prior to beginning the ink application.

Be Mindful of Clothing

Depending on the area you are going to tattoo, some clothing options may make more sense than others. Wearing loose clothing can be more comfortable and will prevent you from feeling restricted and warm during the session. You may also consider a clothing option that leaves the area being tattooed open to the tattoo artist to allow for easier access. At the end of the day, being comfortable in the chair is of the highest importance.

Eat Beforehand and Bring Snacks

Eating before your session is extremely important in order to keep you energized and increase pain tolerance during the tattoo. Having food in your system will reduce twitching and dizziness. Getting tattooed on an empty stomach can lead to feelings and nausea and may result in sickness. Feel free to bring some snacks to the session, but know that a variety of snacks and drinks are always provided to clients!

Avoid Alcohol and Drugs

Because alcohol and some drugs thin your blood, you should not partake before the tattoo session. Thinner blood causes excess bleeding and can prevent the tattoo artist from properly seeing the tattoo, leading to both discomfort in the chair and compromised quality of the tattoo.